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The Democratic Party carries a powerful ideological message of economic equality. It appeals to those who see themselves as unfortunate, underpaid, and exploited victims of capitalism, overwhelmed with envy that there are people of the extraordinary intelligence, ambition, and aggressiveness, and rich, and that they are not them. The Democrats have corralled the “victims” with promises of a better life, free health care, free education, more benefits, and laws to bill all this to “the rich.” In pursuit of this ideology, they incite the fury of the “victims” against “the rich” and vilify them for not giving up their wealth voluntarily.

Just as their ideological predecessors, the Democrats, bonded by the ideology, impelled by conviction, and indifferent to common principles of constitutional legitimacy, accept no moral or constitutional limitations to implement the party’s messianic mission. By skillfully mobilizing resentment and capitalizing on the ideological weakness of the Republicans, they have accrued a high level of success and ultimately redefined our Republic. . . .

Conservatism, the prevailing ideology of the Republican Party, began losing ground with the introduction of “compassionate conservatism,” during George W. Bush’s era, which surreptitiously assimilated the tenets of socialism. This subtle attempt of balancing elements of socialism with conservatism achieved neither ideological legitimacy nor moral supremacy. An ideology is a weapon of persuasion. It encompasses a set of doctrines and values that define political aims and unites like-minded individuals. A party without an ideology is just a party of political expediency and intellectual knavery.

Having no firm ideological basis to stand on, the Republicans are pursuing a segmented rather than a comprehensive approach to policymaking. They are trying to capitalize on individual issues and spending all of their energy and political capital attacking Medicare for all, illegal immigration, the Green New Deal etc. failing to understand that, although each program taken individually may not constitute socialization of America, they are integral components of socialists’ grand ideological conquest.

Contrary to the prevalent thinking a contemporary socialism is not centered on the dictatorship of the proletariat and expropriation of private property – it is based on a single party rule and government dependence. . . .

Fundamentally, the folly of the Republicans during the last few decades was in thinking that most people like to work. There is a huge segment of the population that has been lured by the Democrats into government dependence and some of them have already skipped the intermediate phase — socialism, and are living in communism, each receiving according to his needs. Trump, who is guided by efficacy, is frightening them with jobs, while the Democrats are offering them more doles.

What course would America choose at this historical juncture?

Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/03/the_ideology_of_socialist_conquest.html#ixzz5ipRFWBvy

Alexander G. Markovsky is a senior fellow at the London Center for Policy Research, a conservative think hosted at King’s College, New York City, which examines national security, energy, risk-analysis and other public policy issues, He is the author of Anatomy of a Bolshevik and Liberal Bolshevism: America Did Not Defeat Communism, She Adopted It. He is the owner and CEO of Litwin Management Services, LLC. He can be reached at [email protected]


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Alan K. Veasey
March 22, 2019

People not living godly lives are subject to manipulation by demonic doctrines. Those doctrines may be theological or political. The answer is restoring godly living and reading the bible. Those who do so will know the truth, and the truth will set them free. Those who neglect, God, holiness and bible reading begin sliding away both politically and theologically. Repent and restore.

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