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Ask the Lord to help us rightly divide His Word, so that we are not deceived. Download our Special Report Prayer Guide on Immigration—CLICK HERE.

But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil. (Heb 5:14)

All of the sudden, the mainstream media, Hollywood, the liberal church, and other members of our national intelligentsia seem to care about what the Bible says. In particular, they appear to have suddenly acquired some affection for the Old Testament — a book that, heretofore, these proud members of the “smarter-than-thou” club have excoriated as laden with “hate-filled rhetoric.”

More to the point: These newly minted defenders of biblical orthodoxy seem to have all of the sudden fallen in love with the third book of the Jewish Torah (otherwise known as the Pentateuch); a book referred to in the Bible as Leviticus.

One of the passages quoted over and over again in recent days has been that of Leviticus 19: 33-34, “When a stranger resides with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong. The stranger who resides with you shall be to you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt.”

As a Wesleyan university president and as a Christian, I am always thrilled when anyone wants to discuss scripture. But let us first be sure we are taking every measure to be historically, theologically, logically, linguistically and hermeneutically accurate in our efforts. I hope we can all agree that any exegesis to the contrary, any misusing and misapplying the Bible for political gain, is a detestable and damnable practice….

Please read carefully what Mr. Hoffmeier has to say about the Levitical directive to care for the “stranger” in our midst:

“What I learned in my study is that there are three relevant terms used in Hebrew [for the word ‘stranger’] (ger, zar, nekhar). [Some translators] render them all as [simply] ‘foreigner.’ That is misleading and incorrect.

“Zar and nekhar, indeed, refer to foreigners or visitors passing through a foreign land. [But], Ger refer[s] to foreign residents who live in another land with the permission of a host The law is clear that ger is not to be oppressed but they were also obligated to live in accordance with the laws just like the Israelites.”

Mr. Hoffmeier goes further:

“The Law does not, however, extend to the zar and nekhar such [protections], benefits and services. From this I conclude that ger was viewed as a legal alien. The mistake of some well-meaning Christians is to apply the biblical laws for the ger to illegal aliens in America even though they do not fit the biblical legal and social definition.”

Mr. Hoffmeier concludes:

“The Old Testament Law is very clear about the practice of sanctuary The purpose of sanctuary was not to avoid the law or one’s sentence, but to get a fair trial So, when American[s] offer their cities as sanctuary from federal law, or when churches offer their facilities as a refuge for illegal immigrants who have been tried and order deported, they are neither following the letter or spirit of the Old Testament law.”…  (Excerpts from  Everett Piper article in The Washington Times – Everett Piper, president of Oklahoma Wesleyan University)

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July 1, 2018

Open the eyes of those who choose to love darkness instead of light. Bring revival to this world, oh Lord . Let Your truth prevail .

June 29, 2018

Father, I pray for wisdom for all who are in authority as they make decisions concerning all the immigrants who come to the USA legally or illegally. Father, some of the people come here for help but others have come here for evil reasons. I ask that YOU would help the men & women at our borders to discern the truth and respond appropriately to each immigrant. Thank You Father that You care about all people regardless of their race or country they live in. I pray for YOUR blessings to flow in this situation. Amen

Linda Todd
June 29, 2018

I agree with you about the left’s use of scripture to suit their political agenda and goals for transforming America into a Socialist country. To me the term socialist is like the welcoming scripture they use. No one should be poor, yet Christ said, ‘the poor will always be with you,’ then goes on to say he will be there for a short time. This was in response to a gift given to him that his disciples were angry about. They knew best. To me it shows the utter selfishness of humans. Use one one else’s gift for the poor because THEY know what is best. Sound familiar? We are broken vessels. Only Christ can identify our deepest needs. Only the Holy Spirit can urge us to be generous with others. Many of those in Congress want to take from citizens to give to strangers, and then get the credit, and re-elected.

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