Step 1
Daily Prayer List
June 2, 2024
Lord God, in Jesus' name, we pray that You would restore our... judges, and our entire justice system, to holiness. Let righteousness and justice flow through America and bring all the changes You bought and paid for with the blood of Your precious Son.
God, thank You for the peace You've made available to us through... Jesus Christ. Teach us to cultivate that peace and to walk in it every day.
LORD make us steadfast in our pursuit of You, through the Word... by the Spirit.
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Step 2
Pray For Today's Leaders
Dutch Ruppersberger (D)
Representative (Maryland, 2nd District)
Salud Carbajal (D)
Representative (California, 24th District)
Kyrsten Sinema (D)
Senator (Arizona)
Andrew Gounardes (D)
Senator (New York, 26th District)
Jennifer Boylan (D)
Representative (Rhode Island, 66th District)
Marc Plamondon (D)
Representative (New Hampshire, 0th District)
Step 3
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Prayer List

June 2nd 2024

Lord God, in Jesus' name, we pray that You would restore our judges, and our entire justice system, to holiness. Let righteousness and justice flow through America and bring all the changes You bought and paid for with the blood of Your precious Son.
God, thank You for the peace You've made available to us through Jesus Christ. Teach us to cultivate that peace and to walk in it every day.
LORD make us steadfast in our pursuit of You, through the Word by the Spirit.
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Patricia A O'Connor
I ask for prayers for this new bill passed on Thursday in the House - HR 6090 to criminalize antisemitism! The single WORST bill passed EVER by the...
Pray for Patricia A O'Connor () View More
I ask for prayers for this new bill passed on Thursday in the House - HR 6090 to criminalize antisemitism! The single WORST bill passed EVER by the House! We already have a law that does that - it's called the Civil Rights Act! This bill gives the authority to determine what is or is not antisemitism to a foreign entity - the Int'l Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA). A UN affiliated body in Europe. Their "decisions" change and they have many "contemporary" examples - such as "saying Jews killed Jesus" ! This is utter persecution of Christianity in America and basically criminalizes The New Testament! We need prayers continually that this does not pass in the Senate! Contact your senators to vote NO on this bill!!!
Pray for Patricia A O'Connor ()
Oh mighty and glorious good we lift our prayers before you to defeat the enemies plans, destroy his works, free his captives from the chains of deceit. Let confusion reign in their darkness. Confuse their ways. Remove their ancient boundary marks, turn their sign posts from their goals. Have your way with them that they might be saved, each and every one involved. Amen
Dear God, Jesus and, the Holy Spirit hear my prayer for Patricia A. O'Connor's prayer request, concerning "House - HR 6090 to criminalize antisemitism!", I pray for your will to be done as per your plan, which is already in place. Amen
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Becky Miller
Prayer for complacent pastors who don’t seem to care about moral issues and even who blew off National Day of Prayer.
Pray for Becky Miller () View More
Prayer for complacent pastors who don’t seem to care about moral issues and even who blew off National Day of Prayer.
Pray for Becky Miller ()
Father, I lift this great need and the tears of this intercessors heart before you. I say two Lord, we pray. Bring us a third that our three fold cord be not broken and the valley of dry bones come alive with renewed pastors. Refresh them, let our prayers lift them above their troubles into the power of your marvelous light. Amen
Father, I pray for the pastors in accord with Ezekiel 34. That they hear your voice, receive your word of encouragement and direction. That they turn exactly to your assigned tasking of care for all sheep in their territory. I speak intercessors to rise as did Aaron and Hur to hold up their arms in this battle. For no shepherd should work the work alone. Amen and Amen
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Please pray for my friend she has by the 17th of this month to move out, she has children, and she needs a place to stay. She applied for an...
Pray for Smiley () View More
Please pray for my friend she has by the 17th of this month to move out, she has children, and she needs a place to stay. She applied for an apartment, please pray that God will grant her favor for this apartment, and no matter what’s on her credit that the Lord would touch the landlords heart and let her have the place in Jesus name.
Pray for Smiley ()

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Patricia Helligar
Please pray for Christian mothers around the world for divine health and divine protection
Pray for Patricia Helligar () View More
Please pray for Christian mothers around the world for divine health and divine protection
Pray for Patricia Helligar ()
Prayer for Divine Healing "Our Father in Heaven, You created the heavens and the earth. You created every being so that You may be glorified. In reverence, we come here with our prayers for health and healing. We ask of You today for Your divine healing to bring restoration amongst those who are sick and who are weary. As You’ve promised in Matthew 11:28-29, in You they can find rest physically and spiritually. Therefore, restore them that they may bring glory to You. Heal them that their souls may be at peace again. All these we ask in Jesus’ name, Amen."
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Patricia Helligar
Need prayer for myself as an intercessor/gap stander. Got the word from the Lord for me July 2023 that it is my time for rest and focus on my...
Pray for Patricia Helligar () View More
Need prayer for myself as an intercessor/gap stander. Got the word from the Lord for me July 2023 that it is my time for rest and focus on my dreams. So many needs around me some of them urgent. Please pray for me for much needed rest and replenishing needed. Also pray for divine health for me.
Pray for Patricia Helligar ()
Dear Gracious Father, in Jesus Holy name I pray peace upon Patricia. I speak to this instruction of the spirit and her faith. For as she sets time aside to renew, she must hand her care for all these urgent ‘things’ upon the Lord. She must trust, obey, and reap not just rest and refreshing, but the crop of fresh anointing and new assignments requiring greater trust. Once she has trusted that He cares for us and what we care for. And have seen our cares and concerns melt in the miraculous wonder of His doing. You have been granted a box seat reserved just for you to se God in action about your prayers, cares, concerns and your refreshing. Take hold upon your special seat of witness for what is to come before your eyes. Amen Amen
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Rodney Hickman
I would like to ask that you please lift up my son and son in law. And please pray for their salvation. And may God get all the glory.
Pray for Rodney Hickman () View More
I would like to ask that you please lift up my son and son in law. And please pray for their salvation. And may God get all the glory.
Pray for Rodney Hickman ()
Dear Lord Jesus, we stand in the gap for brother Rodney Hickman. As we pray for his son and son-in-law who are in need of your saving grace. Remove whatever obstacles are in the way, Father. Open their spiritual ears and eyes so that they can understand and see how much You love them. May they invite you to come into their hearts and accept You as their Lord and Savior and ask that You wash away their sins by the grace of your cleansing blood. Fill them with your Holy Spirit, In Jesus name, Amen.
Catherine S
Let us praise the Lord together! It is His will that all men be saved. So, we are praying his will for your son and son in law! Acts 16:31 Amp “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ(give yourself up to Him, take yourself out of your own keeping and entrust yourself into His keeping) and you will be saved ( and this appplies both to ) you and your household as well. “ Lord we praise you that Rodney’s entire family is coming to you! Amen
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Nikki Villalobos
Please come into agreement with me for my immediate family members who have made unknown Jezebelic alliances. This wicked principality has slithered...
Pray for Nikki Villalobos () View More
Please come into agreement with me for my immediate family members who have made unknown Jezebelic alliances. This wicked principality has slithered its way through old wounds of rejection in my family members. It has twisted, turned events and scripture to fit their narrative, so much so there was a Jezebelic attack turned against me. It has caused a veil of deception to come over the spiritual eyes and ears of my family members. Covert manipulation and control are in play unbeknownst to them. I’m striking the ground declaring this principality must be uprooted and dismantled. Healing must come and scales be removed! I declare freedom for my family members to have revelation as to what’s been operating as well as repentance in Jesus name.
Pray for Nikki Villalobos ()
Heavenly Father we come in agreement with Nikki and pray on behalf of her and her family! Binding these evil spirits! Thank you for the ammunition and weapons given to us to stand up and fight! For we do not fight alone! Thank you Jesus for the blood of the Lamb!! Thank you for you have overcome death! I pray that as the ground is shaking in Nikki's household, she may stay connected to you, Jesus. For you are her firm foundation, the ground on which she stands, when everything around her is shaking may she put her faith in Jesus. Holy Spirit, open the eyes of her loved ones and reveal to them the truth of what is taking place!! "Praise be to the Lord, who has not let us be torn by their teeth. We have escaped like a bird out of the fowler's snare; the snare has been broken, and we have escaped. Our help is in the name of the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 124:6-8
Pray that I will be successful in getting my daughter out of the state of Louisiana today. She needs an abortion, due to sexual assault! We are running to another state for refuge!
Father God I ask that You show Nikki the key to unlock this bondage and the strategy to use in order to dismantle it that her family may be whole. At times the Lord has shown me to ask others for forgiveness of any offense unknown to me. I was amazed at how this disarmed the accuser and allowed break through.
Nikki—“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6-12– God gave us authority to bind what you are going through- “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” Heavenly Father I lift up prayers for Nikki I've shared some scripture that cold be applied to the prayers or just use the across prayers. Father speak to her heart with words of wisdom as she applies to these scripture. Jesus gave us this authority before he ascended to heaven, so we can fight the demonic spirits, and all evilness that is causing this darkness in peoples hearts. Father I ask you to cover Nikki with Psalms 91- and release this chapter into her mind that Gods shelter and answers are released by God’s prayer as she speaks Psalm -91 daily. Nikki put all what you shared about family and place it in Gods hand. But- you still need to pray these scriptures daily I pray for complete healing in Your family and that Gods words seep into their minds - In the name of Jesus I ask His will to be done.
Father God Almighty, I declare and decree your word over Nikki. No weapon formed against her shall prosper, every voice rising up against Nikki in judgement shall falter and fail. Let those deceived by the enemy be freed from the path they have taken. Break the terrible chains of the past from off their hearts and minds. Bring them out of darkness into your marvelous light that this family may be healed whole and functional. A testament to your power and might delivering mankind openly, wonderfully, forever free. In Jesus Name Amen Amen.
Holy Father, you have seen what is happening within Nikki's family. You gave your son, Jesus, that thru Him, and Holy Spirit, Nikki has Your protection. We ask, Lord, that this veil of deception simply evaporate, that the scales covering the eyes of these family members disintegrate, that those who perpetrated this fall away. Thank you for Nikki's faith and believing Your Word. Thank you.
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Pray For These Leaders Today!

Dutch Ruppersberger (D)
Representative (Maryland, 2nd District)
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Salud Carbajal (D)
Representative (California, 24th District)
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13 have submitted prayers
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Kyrsten Sinema (D)
Senator (Arizona)
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Andrew Gounardes (D)
Senator (New York, 26th District)
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1 have submitted prayers
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Jennifer Boylan (D)
Representative (Rhode Island, 66th District)
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1 have submitted prayers
I Prayed
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Marc Plamondon (D)
Representative (New Hampshire, 0th District)
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State Prayer Call:
Wednesdays at 9:00 AM CT
(845) 539-9831
Access Code: 1585201


State Prayer Call:
Mondays at 7:00 PM AK
(605) 313-5344
Access Code: 2054970


State Prayer Call:
Thursdays at 12:00 PM MT
(667) 930-8445
Access Code: 5307701


State Prayer Call:
Mondays at 7:00 pm CT
(605) 313-5945
Access Code: 5281794


State Prayer Call:
Mondays at 11:00 AM PT and Tuesdays at 6:00pm PT (excluding holidays)
(605) 313-5714
Access Code: 2478414


State Prayer Call:
Mondays at 12:30 PM MT
(605) 313-5966
Access Code: 4931475


State Prayer Call:
Mondays at 8:00 PM EST
(605) 313-5511
Access Code: 5232496


State Prayer Call:
Mondays at 7:00 PM EST
(605) 313-5859
Access Code: 5566656


State Prayer Call:
Mondays at 11:00 AM EST
(667) 930-8566
Access Code: 4350388


State Prayer Call:
2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM EST
(667) 770-1945
Access Code: 1826876


State Prayer Call:
1st and 3rd Saturday of the Month at 6:00 a.m. HST
(605) 313-5367
Access Code: 1190750


State Prayer Call:
Tuesdays at 12:00-1:00 PM (MST) and 7:00-8:00 PM (MST) NEW PM time!
(720) 527-5940
Access Code: 7195523


State Prayer Call:
1st and 3rd Thursday of the Month at 10:30 AM CT
(857) 799-9369
Access Code: N/A


State Prayer Call:
Thursdays at 11:30 AM EST
(339) 207-6901
Access Code: N/A


State Prayer Call:
Tuesdays at 12:00 PM CT and (NEW) Saturdays 9:00-10:00 AM CT
(727) 731-4597
Access Code: N/A


State Prayer Call:
2nd and 4th Friday at 10:00 AM CT and every 1st and 3rd Monday at 7:00 pm CT
(605) 313-5920
Access Code: 3704369


State Prayer Call:
Saturdays at 7:00 AM CT/8:00 AM ET and Thursdays 6:30 PM CT/7:30 PM ET
(845) 361-8606
Access Code: 5325884


State Prayer Call:
Mondays at 7:00 PM CT
(605) 313-5715
Access Code: 1173073


State Prayer Call:
Mondays at 12:00 PM ET
(605) 313-5701
Access Code: 1653577


State Prayer Call:
Tuesdays at 7:00 PM EDT
Access Code: 1531635


State Prayer Call:
1st and 3rd Monday at 7:00 PM EST and Mondays at 6:00 AM EST
Access Code: 6602020


State Prayer Call:
Tuesdays at 10:00 AM EST (excluding holidays)
(667) 930-8451
Access Code: 7232218


State Prayer Call:
Wednesdays at 8:15 PM CT and Saturdays at 7:15 PM CT
(667) 930-8252
Access Code: 3666604


State Prayer Call:
Mondays at 7:15 PM CST (NEW day/time!)
Access Code: 5757372


State Prayer Call:
Mondays at 12:00 p.m. CST and Thursdays at 7:00 a.m. CST
Access Code: 6371309


State Prayer Call:
Mondays at 7:00 p.m. MT
(667) 930-8485
Access Code: 1795425


State Prayer Call:
Mondays at 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM CT
(667) 930-7344
Access Code: 4582290


State Prayer Call:
Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. PT
(605) 313-4424
Access Code: 4400172

New Hampshire

State Prayer Call:
Thursdays at 8:00 a.m. EST
Access Code: 1421976

New Jersey

State Prayer Call:
Thursdays at 8:00 PM EST
(605) 313-5775
Access Code: 7612092

New Mexico

State Prayer Call:
Wednesdays at 7:00 pm MT
Access Code: 1338184

New York

State Prayer Call:
Tuesdays Evening at 7:00 pm EST and (NEW) Thursdays at 10:00 am EST
(667) 770-1936
Access Code: 1185331

North Carolina

State Prayer Call:
2nd and 3rd Friday of the month at 12:00 p.m. ET
(605) 313-4494
Access Code: 5974818

North Dakota

State Prayer Call:
Fridays at 7:00 AM CST and Thursdays at 7:00 PM CST
(605) 313-5914
Access Code: 1012067


State Prayer Call:
Sundays 7:00-8:00 PM EST
(605) 313-5530
Access Code: 5326394


State Prayer Call:
2nd and 4th Thursday of the Month at 7:00 PM CT
(667) 770-1894
Access Code: 5134580


State Prayer Call:
Thursdays at 6:30 PM PST
(605) 313-4119
Access Code: 1816936


State Prayer Call:
Tuesdays at 7:00pm EST
(605) 313-5986
Access Code: 2377509

Puerto Rico

State Prayer Call:
Access Code: 2925450

Rhode Island

State Prayer Call:
Saturdays at 9:00 AM EST
Access Code: 2621657

South Carolina

State Prayer Call:
Wednesdays at 12:00 PM EST
(605) 313-4146
Access Code: 8055469

South Dakota

State Prayer Call:
Mondays at 6:00 a.m. MT/7:00 a.m. CT
(605) 313-5337
Access Code: 3779638


State Prayer Call:
Mondays at 7:00 p.m. EST/6:00 p.m. CST
(605) 313-5735
Access Code: 7590487


State Prayer Call:
Thursdays at 7:30 AM & 8:30 PM CT
Access Code: 3588502

U.S. Virgin Islands

State Prayer Call:
Wednesdays at 10:00 AM AST
(605) 472-5175
Access Code: 7957136


State Prayer Call:
Saturdays at 9:00 AM MDT
(605) 313-4192
Access Code: 2641190


State Prayer Call:
Wednesdays at 6:30 PM EST
(605) 313-5626
Access Code: 2079830


State Prayer Call:
Thursdays at 7:00 PM EST
(605) 313-5502
Access Code: 7130757


State Prayer Call:
Mondays at 7:00 PM PT
Access Code: 3407094

Washington, D.C.

State Prayer Call:
Thursdays At 7:00 a.m. ET
(605) 313-5487
Access Code: 5503771

West Virginia

State Prayer Call:
Mondays at 8:00 p.m. ET
Access Code: 4627953


State Prayer Call:
Mondays at 1:00 PM CT and Thursdays at 7:00 PM CT
(520) 537-5273
Access Code: N/A


State Prayer Call:
Thursdays at 1:00 p.m. MT and 7:00 p.m. MT (NEW)
(605) 313-5918
Access Code: 5079992
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