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I Prayed have prayed
God, we ask You for humility and courage and for clear direction from You about how and when to speak. Above all, we pray for our nation. Have mercy on us, O Lord.

This 5 minute video testimonial brilliantly describes the harm being caused by the growing intolerance of free speech. It is well worth watching to understand the pressures keeping people from speaking out and speaking up.

For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. (2 Tim 4:3)


Are you afraid to speak out? Do you have the courage of this woman? As Christians, how can we speak the truth in love? Leave a comment.

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July 18, 2019

Thank you for this couple and their willingness to stand and speak the truth. Help your people to unite and speak together. Help us to be willing to say what is true and not back down to the thought police. Lord please protect her and I ask that their coffee business would prosper. Help others who agree to openly stand with them. Help people to recognize the truth and importance of what she is saying. Jesus- help us to kn ow you in this. Help us to see your faithfulness. Help us to depend on you as our own strength and wisdom isn’t enough. Help us to be truth tellers in our places of employment and neighborhoods and homes. Let us participate in what you want to do in our country today. Your Kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

    Marleen Walaitis
    July 18, 2019

    You did nothing wrong Nancy! We are living in a very immature culture, where people operate in a great deal of fear! Stand your ground! ❤️

July 17, 2019

The reason this worked for them is their Unity of passion desire thinking and doing in resisting their enemies!
Our God’s way of resisting them is for his body to have Unity in his doctrine of passion desire thinking doing for our enemies because he desires all men to be saved! As in 1Timothy 2:4! As We Know that When I say, “I am a Christian” I’m not shouting, “I’ve been saved!”I’m whispering “I get lost! That’s why I chose this way” & why I don’t speak with human pride but I’m confessing that I stumble – Needing God to be my guide! & I’m not trying to be strong, I’m professing that I’m weak And pray for strength to carry on! & I’m not bragging of success,
I’m admitting that I’ve failed And cannot ever pay the debt! & I don’t think I know it all! I submit to my confusion Asking humbly to be taught! & I’m not claiming to be perfect, My flaws are all too visible But God believes I’m worth it! & I still feel the sting of pain! I have my share of heartache, Which is why I seek His name! So When I say, “I am a Christian” I do not wish to judge! I have no authority…
I only know I’m loved!

From Carol Wimmer

Elisabeth Culp
July 17, 2019

Strange! The video failed to load…
Can that be corrected??

    July 17, 2019

    The second picture at the bottom of the article worked for me!

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