
Room 201E, Building 1 State Capitol Complex
Charleston, WV 25305

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Submitted Prayers (5) for Mark Zatezalo

George L
April 21, 2024, 4:15 am
Father God Almighty, I thank you for this fine representative of those whom he serves. Grant him wisdom in these troubled times. May the eyes of his understanding be enlightened to know your hope in his calling to this office and its duties. Grant him the understanding of the men of Issachar that he has understands the times, and knows what the states and nation ought to do. By your mighty right arm protect and defend the territory he calls home ground. Keep him, those he loves and cares for, those who serve him, their families safe, nealthy and protect their prosperity that they have to help others both now and in the days to come. In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen and Amen
Priscilla M
April 21, 2024, 2:41 am
Heavenly Father, we come before You in humility and faith. In humility, we acknowledge that it is not our strength, goodness, or power that enables us to move mountains. And yet, in faith, we declare that we have been given the power of Holy Spirit and the authority of Christ with which to do so. In humility, we acknowledge that the blessing, mercy, provision and salvation we experience and release to others comes from the covenant we have with You through Christ. And we exalt You today as the great and awesome God, the Almighty, whose very words have within them the power and ability to accomplish what they say. No word spoken by You is without power! God we learn so much from Your words because they Give us Authority / In Luke -9-1 God gave His disciples Authority over all devils, the same authority He gave us. God says learn to take Authority by using Gods words. God we need Your guidance to help these men and women to defeat what the Dems. are pushing against the truth and want their way. God I pray that these men and women ask God to help them pave a way for truthful communication. There is power IN us that must be released FROM us, and the primary way we do so is with our words. Thank You Father God by releasing That Your Words Hold Power -that these Representatives can use to influence others with a win when they are in session. And we exalt You today as the great and awesome God, the Almighty, whose very words have within them the power and ability to accomplish what they say. No word spoken by You is without power!. Thank You God for Your words of power and giving us wisdom to speak Strongly and stand for truth. Give it to God in prayer for a clear Win! ????????
Linda E
April 21, 2024, 12:26 am
Dearest Lord, I lift up Delegate Zatezalo to You this evening and ask You to bless him and keep him in Your care. May he honor You as the Author and Finisher of his faith. I pray that he knows You and the hope to which he has been called as he gives You first place in his heart and life. Give him godly counsel as he seeks to serve the people of West Virginia. May he be a light to the people and a man of truth, righteousness and integrity. Keep You hand upon Him, Father, I ask in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Darlene E
April 20, 2024, 12:00 pm
Father, I left up Delegate Mark Zatezalo. Thank you for his service to Delaware and its citizens. May he not serve for money or power, but knowing you have placed him there and his service is to you. Let him seek you for wisdom and give him a love for your word and the Constitution. May he draw close to you through Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Protect him and his family.
joyce B
April 20, 2024, 6:12 am
I pray you will come ever closer to God and fulfill His destiny for your life. I pray also that you will do everything you can to STOP THIS HORRIBLE COMMUNIST GOVERNMENT before it's everlastingly too late!! STAND FOR LIFE, ISRAEL, JUSTICE AND ACCOUNTABILITY, CLOSURE OF ALL OUR BORDERS NOW, AND STOP ALL FUNDING TO OUR GREATEST ENEMY, IRAN, THE HEAD OF THE SNAKE, AND QUATAR!!! Jesus is coming back very soon, and we will all be held accountable for everything we have done on earth. ARE YOU TRULY REPRESENTING AMERICA, OR JUST YOUR OWN INTERESTS? WHAT WILL YOU TELL HIM? He already knows the truth, and He knows your every thought.


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